Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Sense of Lingering Happyness

A usual day out
1 30 pm - Vas,Kc n I - An afternoon spent bantering on music and movies - an hour of fun trashing hindi flicks - laughed till our stomachs hurt - a cup of over-sweetened coffee at K.R.Bakes -
5 30 pm -Vas,Tp n I - an hour spent on buying a pair of shoes at Woodland's for Tp- booked tickets for Transformers next night show - Drank Half a glass of hot badam milk at Agarwal's(only a mouthful infact,Tp graciously drank most of my share->typical) - checked out discount sale at Lee - walked half the stretch of D.B Road -ogled at one particular chick with to say, eye catchy features( Vas n Tp were earnest)-
8 30 pm -home- cursed rams for not hanging around - watched an hour worth of youtube videos : veyron,maybach,crash tests - the guys left at 9 30 pm -a sense of lingering happyness - bought dinner for myself n mom -half an hour of television - about to hit the bed,with the hope of hitting the gym atleast tom.11 30 pm now.Chow.Again,a sense of happyness.

p.s : This is to Tp,who s leaving on a month long All-India trip(Lucky dog!) with his class tomorrow morning,who ll be missing such days (us included!) for the coming month . Safe Journey machi!


Nithya said...

Welcome to bloggerdom :P I know romba late a solren nu, but still doesn't hurt to welcome someone, does it ? You look like a don in your display picture :P

Unknown said...

^Nitya : Thanku thanku :P


you people never called me and always blame me at the end !!!!